How To Be Deal With Anxiety & Stress, S1 Ep 47 With Andrew Pearce

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Season 246 Episode 8444

How To Be Deal With Anxiety & Stress, S1 Ep 47 With Andrew Pearce

In Ep 47, we will be talking about how to best deal with Stress and Anxiety. Stress is literally a killer! According to the American Institute of Stress, 33% of people feel extreme stress, 77% of people feel stress that has some impact on their physical health, and 73% of people have their mental health impacted. Over 48% of people report having sleep problems as a result of stress.Mar 29, 2022 If we can manage our stress we will feel much better about our lives and possibly even save our lives. I am very excited to have Andrew Pearce on the show! Andrew is a Professional Stress & Performance Coach showing High-Achievers how they can master the skill of emotional release in such a way that they are able to rest, regenerate, and refocus without needing to stop doing business. Meaning that they can maintain a high level of output, results, and performance. Through his work, Andrew's clients also experience moments of awakening where they connect to clarity direction and deeper meaning/purpose in their lives. All of which results in them being happier now and enjoying the quality of their life. Connect with Andrew here: This is a free quiz that helps someone determine the primary shadow archetype that is mostly strongly playing out in their life and getting in the way of their next level of results - You will want to stay tuned to the end to hear the new Mantra Magic of the week and receive the energetic activation during Meditation Moment! See you Thursday at 4pm Pacific! If you'd like to buy my newest book Get Your Sh*t Together - How To Go From Fear To Freedom you can easily and quickly using this link: I'd love to connect with you! You can through my website Social Links FB- Get Your Sht Together Live With Amy Joy FB- Amy Joy Coaching Instagram- Amyjoycoaching You Tube Linkedin Excited to connect and get to know you and your story and how you are getting your shit together too! Make Today Glorious! Amy Joy

