How To Reprogram The Brain, S2 Ep12, With Infinite Heart

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Season 16 Episode 13200

How To Reprogram The Brain, S2 Ep12, With Infinite Heart

It’s time and it’s possible! I’m so excited to have Infinite Heart on the show today! 
LeRome Swiss and Luna Chi are in the house! 
We are going to talk about the importance of shifting the paradigm of the music industry and activating inner child freedom.
"iNFiNiTE HEART," is a music-enhanced meditative dance experience with LeRome Swiss & Luna Chi. Their sonic sound journey blends together Afro-Electric Tribal beats, breathwork, and guided mantras to activate the primal, liberated nature within you. They travel the world globally and provide uplifting experiences through workshops, ceremonies, concerts, sound healings and festivals. 
You can hear their new song on Spotify called "What A Time"
You will want to stay tuned to the end to hear the Mantra Magic of the week and receive the energetic activation during Meditation Moment!
See you Thursday at 4pm Pacific!
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Make Today Glorious!
Amy Joy

