In Ep 8 we will be answering the question of the week which is: What if everything you’ve gone through in life was worth it?
My passion is to help liberate people from suffering and our past traumas often haunt us and create massive amounts of suffering. Most of us have gone through some real hard times, I know I have, and there is something incredibly freeing when you turn the worst situations of your life, into the the best things that have ever happened to you. Impossible you say? Stay tuned and find out how. It’s some of the most important and powerful work you can do for yourself and the people you love.
I am very excited to be interviewing Neo Positivity- Born and raised in the poorest and most dangerous city in America to early retirement Neo knows firsthand how to alter your life’s current trajectory and your average daily mindset. He learned about the law of attraction in March of 2008. Neo quickly became obsessed and retired from his Police Department just 8 months later. Over the past 13 years, he’s interviewed hundreds of Law of Attraction specialists and cataloged their greatest techniques. From 40+ hours a week to retirement at the age of 28. He is the Voice of the Thoughts Become Things Movement.
You will want to stay tuned to the end to hear the new Mantra Magic of the week and receive the energetic blessing during Meditation Moment!
See you Thursday at 4pm Pacific!
If you'd like to buy my newest book Get Your Sh*t Together - How To Go From Fear To Freedom you can easily and quickly using this link:
www.getyourshittogether.lifeI'd love to connect with you! You can through my website www.amyjoycoaching.com
Social Links
FB- Get Your Sht Together Live With Amy Joy
FB- Amy Joy Coaching
Instagram- Amyjoycoaching
You Tube
Excited to connect and get to know you and your story and how you are getting your shit together too!
Make Today Glorious!
Amy Joy
Season 246 Episode 8437
How To Make The Worst Experiences In Your Life All Worth It, S1 Ep8
In Ep 8 we will be answering the question of the week which is: What if everything you’ve gone through in life was worth it?
My passion is to help liberate people from suffering and our past traumas often haunt us and create massive amounts of suffering. Most of us have gone through some real hard times, I know I have, and there is something incredibly freeing when you turn the worst situations of your life, into the the best things that have ever happened to you. Impossible you say? Stay tuned and find out how. It’s some of the most important and powerful work you can do for yourself and the people you love.
I am very excited to be interviewing Neo Positivity- Born and raised in the poorest and most dangerous city in America to early retirement Neo knows firsthand how to alter your life’s current trajectory and your average daily mindset. He learned about the law of attraction in March of 2008. Neo quickly became obsessed and retired from his Police Department just 8 months later. Over the past 13 years, he’s interviewed hundreds of Law of Attraction specialists and cataloged their greatest techniques. From 40+ hours a week to retirement at the age of 28. He is the Voice of the Thoughts Become Things Movement.
You will want to stay tuned to the end to hear the new Mantra Magic of the week and receive the energetic blessing during Meditation Moment!
See you Thursday at 4pm Pacific!
If you'd like to buy my newest book Get Your Sh*t Together - How To Go From Fear To Freedom you can easily and quickly using this link:
www.getyourshittogether.lifeI'd love to connect with you! You can through my website www.amyjoycoaching.com
Social Links
FB- Get Your Sht Together Live With Amy Joy
FB- Amy Joy Coaching
Instagram- Amyjoycoaching
You Tube
Excited to connect and get to know you and your story and how you are getting your shit together too!
Make Today Glorious!
Amy Joy