S1E2: Mental Health Matters. Topic: Domestic Abuse

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Season 99 Episode 3527

S1E2: Mental Health Matters. Topic: Domestic Abuse

"Instead of asking 'why doesn't she leave?' we need to ask 'what is he doing to make her stay?'" says tonight's guest expert Lucinda Jones, Domestic Abuse Community Ambassador.

We are so privileged to hear an abuse survivor's experience of not only emotional and financial abuse, but when she finally escaped HE told his immediate community SHE abused HIM! Guest expert Lucinda Jones speaks of the importance of acknowledging things which are brushed off as "just a bit controlling" and resident Psychologist Dr Meg Arroll gives us red flags to look out for. Sustainability expert John Goldwyn speaks about repairing our broken relationship with nature; and Head of Coaching & Training at The Coaching Academy Sharon Lawton reminds us what a healthy relationship looks like.

Join Dr Audrey Tang and Judith Crosier on Thursday 08:00PST/11:00EST/16:00GMT

Useful links:


Guest/Host links:

Dr Audrey Tang www.draudreyt.com


Judith Crosier https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?...

Lucinda Jones

/ lucinda-jones-1232b62a

Dr Meg Arroll https://www.drmegarroll.com/ @drmegarroll

Sharon Lawton https://www.sharonlawtoncoaching.com/

John Goldwyn https://www.wildfifteen.com/

