S4E13 - Mental Health Matters with Dr Audrey Tang TOPIC: Making Mental Health Matter!

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Season 329 Episode 11977

S4E13 - Mental Health Matters with Dr Audrey Tang TOPIC: Making Mental Health Matter!

This is a very special episode, where Judith Crosier interviews me (on my own show 😉) on my career in psychology, and how Mental Health Matters came about as a TV Show. We set up this show NOT because wellbeing is a buzzword, but because there is a huge need for high quality Mental Health and Wellbeing information on TV, especially from the point of view of the experts. We intend to develop this in 2025, through retiring “Skits and Quibbles” and airing TWO Mental Health Matters Shows from February onwards: “Office Hours” – in this slot where we address all things Wellbeing at Work related; and “After Hours” in the Skits and Quibbles slot where we cover all aspects of Mental Health in general. It’s the same team, the same quality of experts, and the same practical tools – just a double dose from February!
Join me, Dr Audrey Tang and Judith Crosier on Thursday 08:00PST/11:00EST/16:00GMT

Today's show is hosted by
Dr Audrey Tang www.draudreyt.com @draudreyt
and Judith Crosier https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?...

