S1E3 Mental Health Matters with Dr Audrey Tang TOPIC: Online Health

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Season 99 Episode 3521

S1E3 Mental Health Matters with Dr Audrey Tang TOPIC: Online Health

Sending money, clicking a link, or someone not being who they claim to be...likely we've all been had at some point.

Today's show looks at scams, and in particular online scams with Guest Expert Danny Eastman from Cyber Fortified giving us insight into why we might fall for them.

Our guest expert, Psychologist Meg Arroll helps us build back up when we're feeling embarrassed if we were taken in; Coach Sharon Lawton gives us tools to think more critically; and Environment & Sustainability expert John Goldwyn addresses some of the myths we tell ourselves about nature, and we get out on the water with GoBoat Paddington


Join Dr Audrey Tang and Judith Crosier every Thursday 08:00PST/11:00EST/16:00GMT

Useful links:


Today's show is hosted by

Dr Audrey Tang www.draudreyt.com @draudreyt

and Judith Crosier https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?...

Guest Expert

Danny Eastman, CyberFortified

/ dannyeastmanuk


Resident experts:

Psychologist Dr Meg Arroll https://www.drmegarroll.com/ @drmegarroll

Head of Coaching & Training at The Coaching Academy Sharon Lawton https://www.sharonlawtoncoaching.com/

Environment & Sustainability expert John Goldwyn https://www.wildfifteen.com/

Filmed and Produced at Wellbeing Media Studio www.wellbeingmedia.org

/ wellbeingmediastudio

