Season 161 Episode 5932
S1E3 - The Power Hour TV Show - The Law of Vibration
“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein
Every day we have the choice to wake up with a happy heart and before getting out of bed say, ‘Today is made just for me, I can breathe, I can LIVE!!” On the 6th of April 2019, on a beach in New Zealand, breaking down, felt like getting a heart attack, asking God “Please help me to be healthy and to lose the weight that was around my heart for all my life”. I started with my Oumie and Zander Plan and just keep on keeping on. They say the higher the vibration to longer lasting the effects are.
The second universal law, the law of vibration, posits that everything (every atom, object, and living thing) is in constant motion, vibrating at a specific frequency. Deep breathing, meditation and practicing it mindfully, may boost your vibrational energy. Interacting with nature, eating a good diet, developing healthy relationships, and practicing gratitude and generosity can also help.
On our amazing show I am excited to introduce Angel my beautiful dream giver and my inspiration. Thank you to Mark Joseph from South Africa that will come and do a Mindful practise for us.
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Angel Marie Monachelli is passionate about igniting confidence, joy & abundance in people who are seeking more self-worth, courage, and freedom in their life. As a TV Producer & Host, 8-time International Best-Selling Author, Reiki Master, Certified Spiritual Counselor, Master Speaker, and creator of the Elite Reiki Certification System, Angel Marie has been called “The Igniter” by sharing how to use Energy to ignite their gifts and reboot their life!