S1E7 The Power Hour TV Show – Law of Cause and Effect

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Season 161 Episode 5925

S1E7 The Power Hour TV Show – Law of Cause and Effect

“Everything is cause and effect. If you don’t move, nothing will move with you, and nothing will move toward you” – Michael J Fox
The law of cause and effect is a universal law which specifically states that every single action in the universe produces a reaction no matter what. Every single effect within our world, upon our earth has a cause, an original starting point.
I have an amazing story to tell, the day I written down I want to be a Public Speaker was the day I received a Facebook post from Marty on his amazing group Speakers Speak Live. What an amazing journey for me for a very long time I was the only person not in the USA with no background of writing speeches and delivery them. I have learn so much from my Giants as I dearly called all of them. It is an honor to be able to celebrate all of them through tell my amazing story.
On our amazing show I am excited to introduce my giants to you Marty Dickinson, Dr Michael Alexandra, Valda Ford, Dar Geiger and Dana Morgan Barnes. We are going to take you through this incredible story and they will be able to share their golden nuggets on fulfilling your dream to become a public speaker.
We are starting with a Mindfulness Practice ending the show with a dance. You are welcome to join.

