Season 161 Episode 5839
S1E57 - Power Hour TV Show - Dependence Unplugged!
"When you ignite change in your life, bring back your independency you would unchain your potential, to live the life you want!” by Sanet Van Breda
The word "dependence" refers to a state of relying on or being influenced by something or someone else. It indicates a situation where one entity is reliant on another for support, assistance, or fulfillment of needs. Dependence can manifest in various forms, such as emotional dependence, financial dependence, or physical dependence. For example:
• Emotional dependence: A person may be emotionally dependent on a friend or partner for support and validation.
• Financial dependence: Someone might have financial dependence on their job or a family member for income.
• Physical dependence: This can refer to reliance on a substance (like a drug) to function normally.
Join us on this enlightening expedition as we navigate the complexities of Dependency Dynamics, providing a space for conversations that inspire change, foster independence, and reveal the transformative power of breaking free from the chains that bind us.