S2 EP23 | Is It Possible To Be Happy? Finding Peace in a Frantic World | Dr. Rita Louise
Over the last 2 days I read Dr. Rita Louise's book, Dang - It Was Me All Along. All 240 pages of it. Dr. Rita loves to research and so when she was wondering if it was possible to be happy, she put her passion on the job. The result?
All 240 pages of a sequentially written book that has the answer.
Don't miss our conversation or her book. She is the real deal. She is a naturopathic physician, a medical intuitive, a counselor and energy healer, an author, and is currently fixing up her brand new house. She is witty, fun, and an expert in how to live a happy life.
“Fran Dresher’s delivery without the whine”, is how one audience member put Dr. Rita Louise’s frank, funny yet honest approach. Through a powerful synthesis of science and ancient wisdom, her unique insights bridge the worlds of science, spirit and, culture and are changing the way we view our place in the world.
Dr. Rita Louise is the founder of the Institute of Applied Energetics and the former host of Just Energy Radio. She is a Naturopathic Physician and a 20-year veteran in the Human Potential Field. Her unique gift as a medical intuitive and clairvoyant illuminates and enlivens her work. She is the author of the books Dang! It Was Me All Along?, The Dysfunctional Dance Of The Empath And Narcissist, Stepping Out Of Eden, ET Chronicles: What Myth And Legend Have To Say About Human Origin, Avoiding The Cosmic 2X4, Dark Angels: An Insider’s Guide To Ghosts, Spirits & Attached Entities and The Power Within: A Psychic Healing Prime
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