Mental Health Awareness | Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess with Ramona Fowler

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Season 151 Episode 5556

Mental Health Awareness | Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess with Ramona Fowler

#mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #PowerofthePen

Mental Health Awareness

Tune into another mental health Power of the Pen episode on Sunday, May 21 at 2PM EST with host LaWanna Bradford and guest Ramona Fowler. The recommended read by Ramona Fowler is Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess: 5 Simple, Scientifically Proven Steps to Reduce Anxiety, Stress, and Toxic Thinking. This book by Dr. Caroline Leaf uncovers the importance of brain health and how to develop a practice of positive thinking that leads to overall health, happiness and success.

Ramona Fowler was celebrated as the Celebrate You February 2021 Woman of the Month. She is a retired educator who continues to expand her boundaries when it comes to discovery and celebrating the meaning of life. She enjoys spending time with family and delighting herself with outdoor adventures in her beautiful state of Nevada or wherever she may be sparked to explore. She has included baking in her culinary repertoire and has renewed her passion of art and enjoys the medium of watercolor.

Ramona states, “I know eating healthy foods, exercising, and having friends are all important, but I found the key to success is my mental health and positive outlook on life because that can affect every other aspect of your life.”

#PowerofthePen #CleaningUpYourMentalMess #RamonaFowler #LaWannaBradford #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters

