Season 151 Episode 5521
Power of the Pen - What is Celebrate You?
#celebrateyou #celebratelife #LaWannaBradford
What is Celebrate You? A Conversation Between Founding Members
Power of the Pen airs each Sunday at 2PM EST on e360TV.com
and streams on Apple TV, Samsung TV, ROKU, FB, and LinkedIn. Power of the Pen is a platform to celebrate and elevate women authors and their voices, and spotlight books written by authors to influence women in their rise around the globe.
Tune into this throwback from 2020 where we discuss the key essence of Celebrate You. Though our name changed in 2023 to Celebrate You - Embracing HER Wellness, the tenants of what we stand for remains the same. Enjoy this conversation from the founding members and best-selling authors, LaWanna Bradford (The Bradford Group, LLC), Barbara Beckley (The Diamond Factor, LLC), Jacqueline Lulu Brown (Revolution Ascension, LLC) and Gwen Marshall (Ready Go Advisors, LLC). Celebrate You is more than a slogan, it is a way of being….it is a movement that is now impacting the lives of women in over ten countries around the world!
Join us on FB at Celebrate You Embracing HER Wellness.
#celebrateyou #celebratelife #LaWannaBradford #BarbaraBeckley #JacquelineLuluBrown #GwenMarshall #embracingHERwellness