Season 151 Episode 5458
(S1:E21) Power of the Pen (Pre-Recorded) Prince Charming Isn't Coming by Barbara Stammy with guest T
Power of the Pen - Recommended Read Series -Prince Charming isn't Coming: How Women Get Smart About Money, by Barbara Stanny with special guest Tracy Oriyomi.
Tune into this episode on Sunday, June 12, 2022 at 6PM EST on e360TV.com.
We know how important total wellness is, and that includes financial wellness in our lives. During this episode of Power of the Pen host LaWanna Bradford and guest Tracy Oriyomi, How Money Works Consultant with WealthWave, has a deep knowledge on what is happening in the economy, and what is happening with women in finances. There is a financial crisis facing women, which can be turned around by elevating the understanding of how money works. Tracy is working to increase financial literacy of individuals, particularly women. As an entrepreneur, she is a financial educator and a financial contributor within the Celebrate You Women Embracing Wellness movement giving financial tips and throughout social media.
She is the How Money Works consultant and is here to guide us in understanding how to remedy financial stress, elevate our money management knowledge, and have that sleep at night money. As such, she is an avid student of finances and has a recommended read for this episode - Prince Charming isn't Coming: How Women Get Smart About Money, by Barbara Stanny.
Barbara Stanny is the daughter of the "R" in H&R Block whose husband squandered her money and left her on the verge of bankruptcy. In this book, the author discusses fundamental principles about money that every woman should consider. The overarching principle of this read is “Women cannot wait for Prince Charming and women must become comfortable in managing their finances. You don’t need a lot of money to begin”
#PowerofthePen #womenauthors #womenandmoney #Tracyoriyomi #PrinceCharmingIsntComing #BarbaraStammy #womenandfinance #financialliteracy #LaWannaBradford #TheBradfordGroup #WealthWave