The Audacity Code - Coloring Black Outside the Lines

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Season 151 Episode 5491

The Audacity Code - Coloring Black Outside the Lines

#LaWannaBradford #tellingourstory


On Sunday, February 26, 2023 at 2PM EST, tune in for a Black History Edition of Power of the Pen where we will celebrate the amazing woman who is daring to let her voice be heard around the world - Juanita B. Johnson!

Juanita is known as the Sankofa Griot, and also wears the title as best-selling author with her new book entitled The Audacity Code - Coloring Black Outside the Lines.

During this session, co-host LaWanna Bradford and Juanita B. Johnson challenge the status quo and push the envelop with their discussion around the indelible imprint of Black Americans throughout American history.

We anticipate that this conversation, which will introduce the concepts of The Audacity Code, will compel all who listen to rise up and step into their highest calling and the strive to be best version of themselves. Rise up and be bold and audacious so that the world will know that you were here!

#PowrofthePen #LaWannaBradford #TheAudacityCode #JuanitaBJohnson #tellingourstory #SankofaGriot

