Season 151 Episode 5503
(S1:E20) River of Time - My Descent into Depression and How I Emerged with Hope by Naomi Judd
[Tune into Power of the Pen TV show each Sunday at 2PM EST on www.e360TV, Apple TV, Samsung TV and ROKU. The show also streams on FB in the Celebrate You Women Embracing Wellness Community.]
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. There are over 300 million people in the world who battle with depression and 30 million are in the U.S. Suicides are on the rise; feelings of stress and anxiety are becoming an overwhelming reality for so many age groups. We also know that the pandemic and its isolation mandates unfortunately worsened these conditions for many. Even those who did not believe they had any issues with mental wellness suddenly found themselves faces with feelings and thoughts that they had never confronted.
Mental health is something that we must all begin talking more about. Our conversations about the health of our minds should be as equal if not more than the discussions about our physical health. Science has proven there is a mind, body, and spirit connection and when the spirit and the mind are not in balance, the body begins to fail in so many ways.
This month our Power of the Pen series will spotlight books to provide hope and healing for those who are struggling with their own mental battles. It will be a platform that shouts about the importance of us having open and compassionate conversations. Life happens, triggers occur, and before we know it things that we may have suppressed so deeply in our subconscious rise to the surface....and then the real battle begins.
This first episode, sadly, features the book by the late Naomi Judd, multi-Grammy award-winning singer, song writer, mental health advocate and author. Naomi Judd passed away on 4/30/22, just one day of being inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. Her daughters Ashley and Winona tweeted, ""Today we sisters experienced a tragedy. We lost our beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness. We are shattered,"
In her book - River of Time - My Descent into Depression. How I Emerged with Hope, tells her journey with depression, which started at the innocent age of 3 1/2 years of age.
Depression and anxiety, as she stated, are not something that you "snap out of." It is a brain disease, and we must compassionately be there in support with the tools and medical interventions needed to help those not only live triumphantly but thrive victoriously! Mental health matters. Let us remember to do our part and GET LOUD ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH.
Our hearts and prayers go out to the Judd family during this time of grief.
#PowerofthePen #RiverofTime #NaomiJudd #LaWannaBradford #mentalhealthmatters