Bathrobe Moments heads to Indiana to sit with Romanian Child Advocate: CORINA BOTEZ

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Season 47 Episode 1482

Bathrobe Moments heads to Indiana to sit with Romanian Child Advocate: CORINA BOTEZ

<p>Proud to be a friend of Loren Michaels Harris, inspires people through his Power of We programs, bringing resources to disadvantaged youth in Chicago, or other places in the US and NOW Romania.Why Romania ? The answer Dr. Loren why not? There are children and young people that need to be put first and hear their voices. A child born in extreme poverty matters. A child with disabilities matters. An abandoned child matter... As part of his Legacy of Hope Tour May 4-12, Dr.Loren asks young people to write a letter. Then we thought why not Romanian kids from the US to bridge friendships and seed hope and light? None of the children are forgotten, someone here cares and thinks of you with love.&nbsp;<br>I am honored to share Dr. Loren's inspiring project and invite my Romanian friends wherever you are in the world and my friends here and colleagues to join me in helping to raise 25$ for a comfort backpack with,, surprises,, for 200 Romanian children that will be visited in May with the most precious gift in the backpack the letters, 200 or more!&nbsp;<br>Thank you all !!&nbsp;<br>Corina Botez&nbsp;<br>--</p>

