Season 289 Episode 9617
S10Ep11 Reclaiming Life: Alexis Mckinley’s Triumph Over Addiction
On this episode of Make Mental Health Matter, Kelli chats with Alexis Mckinley.
She grew up in addiction. It got so bad many times that she tried to do anything to end everything. She welcomed the silence, but was too chicken to do it herself. It took getting a 20 year prison sentence and some very passionate officers for her to see her worth and realize she wanted to do whatever it took to not only survive… she wanted to thrive. She has been sober going on 11 years now. She won’t say her demons have magically gone away, but she is no longer welcoming the darkness she once was. There are many layers to her story, but that is just a snippet in very short form.
Alexis Mckinley has battled her own demons for as long as she can remember. Now she is surviving proof that if you want it anything is possible.
Find out more about Alexis here:
/ alexis-mckinley-683857217
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