Season 289 Episode 9607
S10Ep5 From Trauma to Triumph Helena Georgiou's Story
In this episode of the Make Mental Health Matter Show, Kelli is chatting with Helena Georgiou.
She is a Trauma survivor of Incest and Domestic Violence. Discover how she overcame dysfunctional narcissistic relationships, anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD & suicidal thoughts all through holistic therapies and psychotherapy, without being on any medications. She re-invented her life and broke her silence so she can support, inspire and encourage others to do the same.
Helena is the CEO & Founder of BraveHeart, a Holistic Practitioner and Transformational Speaker on Incest and Domestic Violence. As the co-author for ""BREAKING THE SILENCE - Voice of Survivors"", Helena now sets a new standard with her authentic and compassionate commitment in sharing her personal success story as a survivor of Trauma to Triumph globally, aspiring to encourage, support and guide others to become the Victors of their lives, so they can unveil their truest talents, undeniable uniqueness and attain their fullest potential by rei-nventing their lives through heart-centredness and authenticity.
If your heart inspires you to support us on our call to Breaking The Silence, then kindly...
ORDER your copy here on Amazon
""Break the Silence,
Break the Violence and Break the Chains so that you can break free!""
AVAILABLE ON KINDLE AND PAPERBACK, and do remember to please write a review afterwards, much appreciated Helena G.
Find out more about Helena here:
LinkedIn: Helena Georgiou
Facebook: Beaveheart - Helena Georgiou
IG: Braveheart - Helena Georgiou
Email: helenabraveheart@gmail.com
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