S9Ep2 Bullying Recovery Resource Center

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Season 52 Episode 1608

S9Ep2 Bullying Recovery Resource Center

In this episode of Make Mental Health Matter, Kelli brings back a previous guest Dru Ahlborg, who is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Bullying Recovery Resource Center (BRRC).
BRRC's mission is to defend bullied children and help rebuild lives. BRRC is dedicated to providing the resources, education, advocacy and hope needed to stop bullying and stem the long-term effects bullying has on its targets. Dru is passionate about educating families and schools about the harmful impacts of bullying and advocating with parents to hold responsible to stop bullying. Dru is the mother of two children, one of which was severely bullied and is married to BRRC Co-Founder and Director of Advocacy, Tom Ahlborg.
Learn more about BRRC and Dru here:
/ bullyingrecoveryresourcecenter
/ defend_bulliedkids

