Season 38 Episode 12054
S6Ep14 From Stuck to Transformed: The Power of Perspective with Regina Roberti
In this episode of Make Mental Health Matter, Kelli talks to Regina Roberti.
She is a life transformation coach and Licensed ACH Trainer. She works with people through conversation to rapidly shift her clients perspectives of their problems so they can grow and move past their stuckness. The method she uses has multiple outcomes, which means not only do they solve the problem they came in with, but it impacts multiple areas of their lives giving them a true transformation. She teaches her method in masterclasses a couple times a year to other coaches, therapists, and hypnotists so that they can also get their clients and patients these rapid transformations.
Find out more about Regina here:
IG: @Reginar.lifetransformation
Youtube: @lifetransformationsolutions
Tiktok: @reginaroberti