Season 290 Episode 10844
S11Ep9 The Power of Positivity with Chris DT Gordon
On this episode of the Make Mental Health Matter Show, Kelli brings back Chris DT Gordon.
He is a middle school special education teacher, professional speaker and author, and survivor of a life-threatening disease who uses his story and message to inspire others to increase their gratitude, positivity, and resilience to overcome their challenges and make the world a better place.
Chris DT Gordon is a faithful husband, father of three, online middle school special education teacher, professional speaker, author, runner, martial artist, and pop culture geek.
He is also a survivor of a life-threatening disease who uses his story and message to inspire and motivate others to overcome their challenges with gratitude, positivity, and resilience, and achieve their greatness on their own terms!
Find out more about Chris go to one of these:
/ christopher-gordon-bb3b53230
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