Season 38 Episode 12037
S6Ep9 Borderline Personality and Addiction
On today’s episode of Make Mental Health Matter, Kelli brings back one of her previous guests Alexandrea Diel to share her journey through recovery.
Just over a year ago the courageous woman was on my show speaking about the struggle of living with Borderline Personality. She fought for her life. She didn’t want to live with the pain of the trauma from her childhood and a life of domestic violence. She left the love of her life, her home, her beloved dog who had kept her alive through the darkness. She choose to save her life. She moved back to Colorado and immediatly went into treatment. It wasn’t until 3 months later she accepted she was an addict. For 14 years she had used Meth and even though she had not been in active use for a few months she just couldn’t understand why all the therapy wasn't helping her heal. She still wanted to die. Then one day she came to believe and fully accept that she was an addict. She decided to make another major life change and seek sober living. I hope that her story will help others that are fighting for their life.