Season 16 Episode 10792
The Power Of Kindness, S2 Ep22, With. Brian Biro
In S2 Ep22, The Power Of Kindness, With Brian Biro!
I’m so excited to have Brian Biro on the show!
Brian Biro is America’s Breakthrough Speaker! He has delivered nearly 1,900 presentations around the world over the last 34 years. The author of 16 books including his bestseller, BEYOND SUCCESS, and his brand-new LESSONS FROM THE LEGENDS, Brian was rated #1 from over 40 Speakers at 4 consecutive INC. Magazine International Conferences. With degrees from Stanford University and UCLA, Brian has appeared on Good Morning America, and CNN. Brian was recently honored as one of the top 10 interactive keynote speakers in North America, and one of the top 50 Motivational Speakers in the WORLD!
You can connect with Brian here:
Free Gift:
• ROI of Kindness - Brian Biro
You will want to stay tuned to the end to hear the Mantra Magic of the week and receive the energetic activation during Meditation Moment!
See you Thursday at 4pm Pacific!
If you'd like to buy my newest book Get Your Sh*t Together - How To Go From Fear To Freedom you can easily and quickly using this link:
I'd love to connect with you! You can through my website www.amyjoycoaching.com
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Excited to connect and get to know you and your story and how you are getting your shit together too!
Make Today Glorious!
Amy Joy