S11Ep18 Families & Mental Health: Dr. Michelle D. Sherman

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Season 290 Episode 13827

S11Ep18 Families & Mental Health: Dr. Michelle D. Sherman

On this episode of the Make Mental Health Matter Show, Kelli chats with Michelle D. Sherman, PhD LP ABPP (she/her) is a licensed clinical psychologist who has dedicated her career to supporting families dealing with a mental illness or trauma/PTSD. She has worked in diverse settings, including the Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare system, private practice, and academia as a Professor at the University of Oklahoma and University of Minnesota Medical Schools. Dr. Sherman is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA), and is Board Certified in Couple and Family Psychology. She is the Editor in Chief of Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, the journal of APA’s Society of Couple and Family Psychology, and was named their Family Psychologist of the Year in 2022. She has published over 75 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and has given several hundred workshops nationally and internationally. She served on the Board of the Oklahoma National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) for 14 years and now enjoys volunteering with the Minnesota NAMI affiliate. Michelle and her mother DeAnne Sherman, a mental health advocate, are co-authors of Loving Someone with a Mental Illness or History of Trauma: Skills, Hope and Strength for Your Journey and I’m Not Alone: A Teen’s Guide to Living With a Parent Who Has Mental Illness or a History of Trauma. Michelle and DeAnne believe that family members of people managing mental health problems and trauma have been invisible and unsupported for too long. It is time to SEE, HEAR, and INCLUDE them...recognize their sacrifices and contributions...and empower them with research-based information, practical skills, and hope. Find out more about Michelle here: Website: www.SeedsofHopeBooks.com LinkedIn: Michelle Sherman, PhD LP ABPP Want to find out when the next incredible episode of Make Mental Health Matter show is dropping? Sign up for the Make Mental Health Matter newsletter for special tips, and insider only offers. Go to makementalhealthmatter.org to sign up today! Need more resources? https://www.makementalhealthmatter.or...

