Season 379 Episode 12194
S3E7 Mental Health Matters with Dr Audrey Tang TOPIC: Lived experience & raising your voice
A broad theme this week as we have three very special guests. Joining us first is Sam Mitchell host of the hugely successful podcast Autism Rocks and Rolls to talk about the misunderstandings still surrounding autism and how he is working to challenge them. Then we have Pat Rullo, the founder of Speak Up Talk Radio who has made it her mission to get us to raise our voices when it comes to our medical care, and showcases the voices of others in her work. Finally Adrian Wilson joins us as our “lived experience” guest to talk about what happened when he was prescribed Ropinirole. Plus we are invited to an art installation to commemorate the migrants who lost their lives – and again – make sure their stories are heard. Join Dr Audrey Tang and Judith Crosier on Thursday 08:00PT/11:00ET/16:00BST
Today's show is hosted by
Dr Audrey Tang www.draudreyt.com @draudreyt
and Judith Crosier https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?...
Special Guests
Sam Mitchell
/ @autismrocksandrollssammitc2906
/ sam-mitchell-b782b31b1
Pat Rullo
/ patrullo
Adrian Wilson, Actor
/ adrian.wilson.77312