Because of Bethlehem | Love is Born...Hope is Here

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Season 151 Episode 5580

Because of Bethlehem | Love is Born...Hope is Here

#PowerofthePen #ChristmasBooks #LaWannaBradford

Because of Bethlehem | Love is Born…Hope is Here

Power of the Pen airs each Sunday at 2PM EST on

and streams on Apple TV, Samsung TV, ROKU, FB, and LinkedIn. Power of the Pen is a platform to celebrate and elevate women authors and their voices, and spotlight books written by authors to influence women in their rise around the globe.

On Sunday, 12/18/2022, tune in as host LaWanna Bradford reviews Because of Bethlehem | Love is Born…Hope is Here by Max Lucado. This episode reflects on the reason for the Christmas season and explores the reflections written by Max Lucado. We are familiar with the stories during the holiday season about Rudolf, Frosty the Snow Man, and classics such as A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens and the all-time favorite poem The Night Before Christmas. However, there is one heralded as the greatest story ever told and that is the story of the birth of Jesus Christ who is the reason for the season

We can easily get caught up in the lights, holiday parties, and gift giving. There is nothing wrong with these. However, when we take a moment and ponder why so many around the world embrace this time of the year, we have to recognize the foundation from which many Christmas traditions, whether religious or secular, have been born. This book helps us to not only acknowledge the Christ in Christmas but reflect on our own lives and how we have within our reach the most precious of gifts in hope, love, joy, and peace.


LAWANNA BRADFORD is a serial entrepreneur and global leader who is known as The Connector. She applies the art of strategic planning with multi-billion-dollar organizations and small businesses, and for 30+ years has guided businesses in growth and customer-centric engagement. She has an eye for finding the opportunity in the chaos and successfully guides businesses in navigating stumbling blocks and transforming them into steppingstones. She is an international best-selling author and speaker, and influencer. She is an avid reader and believes that through books are an avenue that enables us to tap we can tap into our higher faculties, expand our imagination and live creating the world we wish to see and experience. She is the COO of The Bradford Group, a commercial and investment mortgage brokerage and The Principal of The Bradford Group Consulting, and Producer/Director of TBGC Media Group. She often reminds her audiences that "when vision intersects with opportunity, success is inevitable."

For guest appearances on Power of the Pen, or to book LaWanna Bradford for speaking engagements or training, please connect directly at or at

#PowerofthePen #ChristmasBooks #LaWannaBradford #TheBradfordGroup #MakingaDifference #TheMeaningofChristmas

