S15E12 - Change Your Cellular Wellness...One Degree at A Time

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S15E12 - Change Your Cellular Wellness...One Degree at A Time

Meet Mary Axness, retired Naturopath and TV Host on I HAVE TODAY TV! At 70+ and thriving, Mary is on a mission to teach Cellular Regeneration and Radical Longevity for Healthy, Optimized Wellness. 💪✨ Don’t miss this inspiring episode as Mary shares her One Degree Change strategies—small, simple shifts that deliver powerful, positive results. Learn how to regenerate instead of degenerate and transform your health and vitality! Get the 7 Secrets to Become a TV Host here: https://tvstarhost.com/secrets To connect with Mary Axness visit: https://maryaxnessnd.com or https://onedegreechangetv.com Get Mary's Book here: https://www.amazon.com/shop/dianefors... #IHaveToday #DianeForster #MaryAxness #OneDegreeChange #RadicalLongevity #HealthyLiving #WellnessJourney #CellularRegeneration #PositiveChange #OptimizedWellness
