S1E1 - How To Get Over Your Fears

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Season 411 Episode 13804

S1E1 - How To Get Over Your Fears

<p>Lynda "Sunshine" West got over her fears in a really cool way! Are fears blocking you from getting what you want and living your life to the fullest? Watch this show to find out how you can remove your fears. Every Wednesday at 5:30pm PST Diane Forster takes on relevant topics each week on how to live the "I Have Today" way...intentionally with passion and purpose. I HAVE TODAY with DIANE FORSTER is a LIVE Weekly Show, Wednesdays 5:30pm PST on Facebook:&nbsp;<a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjd6dUF2dlVvZ01JZjJnLVB0TDNVRWltZ3NkQXxBQ3Jtc0tuSFczUjJEcVM1UHBFSm5yd2J5dlZmUWc3QTBrMDZ1UU9PbER5TllPNDFGa3piWVNCNG8ycTZvVjVqdjFvQmduSWxsQ05FSlRSRl80dW1KT3FMTThDMzA4R1V4c2wxNDk1TVNUa1ZQc041OE40eXB2TQ&amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fdiane4stir&amp;v=sUnPFnVabZA"> <img src="https://www.gstatic.com/youtube/img/watch/social_media/facebook_1x.png" alt=""> /&nbsp;diane4stir&nbsp;&nbsp;</a> For more information about Diane and her products/services, go to: www.DianeForster.com To get Diane's "10 Days to Your Passion and Purpose" Program, go to: www.ihavetoday.com/passionpurpose To find out more about Lynda and her products/services, contact: www.livinglive.tv</p><p><br>&nbsp;</p>

