Season 412 Episode 13921
S2E14 - How to Stop Negative Thinking
<p>I Have Today comes to you every week to empower, inspire and educate you through life’s transitions to help you reinvent your life...feeling more passion, purpose, and fulfillment. You CAN have it all...Love, Money, Success and Happiness. Do you ever listen to your negative self-talk? Do you wish you know how to stop it? Well, in this week’s episode you will learn how to do it! In all of years of studying law of attraction and manifestation, the one key secret I discovered that had the most powerful effect on making a positive change in my life was my language. What I realized is the words I was using were a result of the thoughts I was thinking…and those thoughts were mostly negative. In this week’s episode, you will learn the 2 Myths you believe about yourself that are holding you stuck where you are. You’ll also learn the 3 Keys to turn any negative self-thinking around immediately! How cool is that!?! Be sure to watch and listen until the end for an amazing opportunity for you to start creating and manifesting everything you want so that you can be living a happier, richer, more fulfilling life! You have today…remember that!</p>