S5E17 - Connect to Your Femininity and Discover a Better Sex Life
Intention: I HAVE TODAY...to Live in Divine Femininity! My guest is a Divine Sexuality and Healing Teacher. Her name is Victoria Vives Khuong. She’s stunningly beautiful, on the outside and the inside. Growing up in a dictatorial Spain with a single mom and a household of only women, Victoria grew up doing everything she could to “Succeed Like A Man or Fail Like a Woman.” Although she was highly successful, she felt the internal pain and hidden traumas of not living in her divine femininity. She connects women with their Divine Sexuality that we ALL need to be feeling and expressing. She talks about: The “Shut Off” Stage and what that means. How Disempowering Women are in Business because of the lack of balance. The “Ecstatic” Experience of working from the inside out. She offers a FREE e-Book called, “The 5 Different Ways You Can Tap Into Your Divine Sexuality.” Tune in to hear her brilliance and to get her FREE eBook. www.victoriavives.com/divine To download the “Manifest My Ideal Body,” go to: https://www.dianeforster.com/myidealbody Are you interested in creating a “HAVE IT ALL” Life? Visit https://www.myhaveitalllife.com/ to watch my Free Video Training and Learn More.