S5E12 - Emotional Healing for Children and Your Inner Child
Intention Statement: I HAVE TODAY...to Emotionally Support my Children AND My Inner Child! Being a Spiritual Psychologist and a Special Education Expert, Gina Ann has worked with thousands of children in her career. She’s on a mission to let other parents with strong willed or sensitive nervous system children know that there are solutions for them instead of believing their child is their “diagnosis” of anxiety, depression, addiction and/or ADHD. She’s authored several children’s books with the main character of “Jo Jo”...and these fascinating stories speak to issues that children go through. Here are a few of her titles: Jojo and Bayou Billyfrog: https://amzn.to/2Up7ZKz Jojo Meets Cristo: https://amzn.to/2WM4nUj oh no jojo: https://amzn.to/39q9pIK Gina and I talked about how different the world is that our children are growing up in, so the tools and resources we need to help love and support them need to be different, too! Plus, the need to heal YOUR inner child gets healed in the process! It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve been through, we all want to be seen, heard, appreciated and acknowledged...AND love and accepted unconditionally. Gina’s work leaves powerful, positive impressions on her students, clients and their parents, too! Check out how she became this expert, how she made a bold decision, and became a Hay House author because of it! Well done, Gina! Keep up the great work! Are you interested in creating a “HAVE IT ALL” Life? Visit https://www.myhaveitalllife.com/ to watch my Free Video Training and Learn More. Learn more about Gina Ann at www.GinaAnnAuthor.com