Season 412 Episode 13889
S2E9 - How to Overcome Self-Doubt to Reveal Your Hot, Badass Self!
<p>From a Cult to a 7 Figure, Badass Business Performance Coach We go LIVE every week to empower, inspire and educate you through life’s transitions to help you reinvent your life...feeling more passion, purpose, and fulfillment. You CAN have it all...Love, Money, Success and Happiness. On this week's new episode of I HAVE TODAY my guest is Dana Pharant. Becoming a badass in life and business requires you to stand in your power and be super comfy with being unique! Dana Pharant knows ALL about standing out and being unique. Her personal brand of the "Inner Dominatrix" pushes people out of their comfort zone, challenges their preconceived notions and has them stepping into a fierce determination to rock their Bold, Sexy Fun-Filled Lives! Dana is a Badass Business Performance Coach who works with entrepreneurs to find to reconnect with who they are at the core, uncover their bulletproof confidence and be able to welcome the judgement and challenges that come with building a big business in a way that is fun and full of ease. She will share her story of growing up in and surviving a cult and her 27 years’ of experience that makes her the badass she is today! It’s all about Intentional Living. It’s all about TODAY. Live it to the fullest!</p>