S2E13 - How to Get Your Message to the Masses

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Season 412 Episode 13920

S2E13 - How to Get Your Message to the Masses

<p>I Have Today comes to you every week to empower, inspire and educate you through life’s transitions to help you reinvent your life...feeling more passion, purpose, and fulfillment. You CAN have it all...Love, Money, Success and Happiness. My guest for this show is Christina Daves, who is a DIY-PR Strategist, and a best-selling author of “Pr for Anyone – 100+ Affordable Ways to Easily Create Buzz for Your Business.” She shares her journey of getting exposure for a product she invented. A fellow inventor! I love it! She had NO resources to hire a PR firm or to advertise, so she taught herself everything she could about generating her own publicity. As a result, she has appeared in over 1,000 local and national media outlets! Wow! For her clients and herself, in the past year, she has reached over 873 MILLION VIEWS and generated over 8 figures in sales from FREE Publicity! In the episode, Christina shares the “3 Secrets to PR Success! If you’re looking for more media exposure, you must watch this episode! She makes it easy and fun! To find out more about Christina go to www.ChristinaDaves.com and for her FREE gift head to <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbm5MYmFaWGhRUlUydjJHSFpUZlNqMlQ2TllNZ3xBQ3Jtc0trOWtrbEk5Q3Z5bTFoRXA1Q1ZnYUZKVzRSM1QyS09OM0VvZy1BbV9YbklEcFd5emlJZ1JSdFJDa18zNVpfd1Q2NFZvS19GQzY5NlJIZXJzV2owS2pUYlNSUjcxTnFJS0JOc0NCOVRXdzI0M3hUc3FLUQ&amp;q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.3stepstoprsuccess.com%2F&amp;v=dYS0mqwbFK0">http://www.3stepstoprsuccess.com</a> For more information about working with Diane and to gain access to valuable resources visit www.dianeforster.com.</p>

