S1E8 - Why giving up is never an option

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Season 411 Episode 13810

S1E8 - Why giving up is never an option

<p>This LIVE Weekly TV series empowers, inspires and educates you to live the "I HAVE TODAY" way...intentionally, and helps you get out of your own way! Fun guests who are experts, authors, influencers, and have had their own journey that made them the success they are TODAY. You'll get useful takeaways every week. This week, my guest is Tanya Targett, Award-Winning Journalist/Speaker/Media and Publicity Coach. Our topic is: “Why Giving Up is Never An Option” Often referred to at the “Media Darling,” Tanya is a former investigative news journalist who knows how to “Get The Story.” Her fascinating journey surviving a tsunami, a strike, domestic violence, depression, and more, she will share her story of perseverance and how she has the heart of a fighter. So, tune in because you don’t want to miss it! It’s all about Intentional Living. It’s all about TODAY. Live it to the fullest!</p>

