S2 E19 Kiley Doll Discusses Her Many Entrepreneurial Endeavors and Angel Investing

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Season 26 Episode 2732

S2 E19 Kiley Doll Discusses Her Many Entrepreneurial Endeavors and Angel Investing

#ecommerce #entrepreneur #growth
@KileyDoll was born to be an entrepreneur—it's in her bones. She is an experienced business development professional and real estate investor. This tenacious businesswoman and graduate of the School of Hard Knocks has a real zest for life, drive for business, and a deep-seated love of knowledge-sharing and public speaking.
Passionate about the empowerment of struggling entrepreneurs, Kiley uses every challenge she has encountered during her career to guide budding business owners in the right direction. In her own words, she claims to be the ""world's worst employee"" and is anything but A-typical. This is one lady who proudly broke the mold and continues to lead other working women by example.
Kiley has more than 25 years of experience working and consulting with household brands like Amazon, EO, Long Realty Company, and more in North America, Europe, and Africa. Her appetite for sales and entrepreneurship is rooted in the professional services sector. She stands firmly behind the idea that passion is the key to sales. In her own words, “If you’re crazy about something, nothing can stop you from convincing someone else to be crazy about it too.”
Female empowerment is a cause that is particularly close to Kiley’s heart. She runs several mentorship programs both in the U.S. and in under-developed African countries. As a board member of SAFE (Services to Abused Families, Inc) Kiley is focused on doing her part for the Culpeper community, pouring her heart and soul into the local NPO that provides free and confidential services around the clock to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
#entrepreneur #angelinvesting #startups #womenentrepreneurs #philmasiello thinkengagethrive #ecommerce #growth

