Season 25 Episode 12775
Think Engage Thrive E19 Entrepreneur Scott Ketchum Co Founder Sfoglini Pasta
Scott Ketchum has served as a Creative Director/Graphic Designer for 18 years in both San Francisco and New York specializing in brand development, web design and sustainable packaging and design. A decade of living in New York City opened Scott’s eyes to the creative parallels between design and the culinary arts and prompted him to study brewing and management at the Siebel Institute in Chicago as well as travel to Italy, Paris and Belgium to further explore their food and beverage culture. With the movement for locally made products exploding in New York City and the absence of an artisanal pasta maker servicing area restaurants, Scott decided to marry his profession and his passion and start Sfoglini with his friend Steve Gonzalez, Sfoglini’s chef and co-founder. Scott currently serves as Sfoglini's CEO and oversees the company’s brand development, marketing and operations.