Season 242 Episode 8233
S1 E27 - Youth-Led Movement Feeds People and Trains High-Impact Leaders
"Joshua’s Heart Foundation, Founded By a Four-Year-Old and Always Led By Children and Teens, Has Provided 5 Million Meals AI Episode Summary This is an interview with three young people involved with Joshua’s Heart Foundation: Amanda Aviles, Gavin Poore, and Amogh Baranwal. Joshua’s Heart Foundation was started in 2005 by a young boy named Joshua who had a passion for feeding the hungry. The foundation’s primary mission is to fight hunger and engage and empower youth in that fight. The organization is facing the challenge of keeping its founders and early participants involved while preserving the youth-led nature of the organization. The organization is split into three parts: core volunteers, a junior advisory board, and a national advisory board. Amanda Aviles believes her superpower is her ability to connect with people and understand them, particularly younger individuals. Amogh Baranwal believes his superpower lies in his youth and the ability to empower and inspire other young people. Gavin Poore sees his superpower as youth engagement, helping other young people find their voice and engage in positive change. The organization can be supported through donations, and volunteers are accepted, but mainly from the South Florida area. The best way to stay in touch with the organization is through its website and social media platforms, particularly LinkedIn."