S2 E24 - Polio Eradication: A Historic Opportunity for Global Health - Carol Pandak of Rotary Intern

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S2 E24 - Polio Eradication: A Historic Opportunity for Global Health - Carol Pandak of Rotary Intern

Rotary's Commitment to End Polio, Led by Carol Pandak, Marks a Milestone in Global Public Health



In today’s episode, Carol Pandak emphasized the critical role of persistence and hard work in driving the progress of polio eradication, which Rotary International has been committed to since 1979.

Carol shared that the eradication of polio is achievable, much like smallpox, through vaccination efforts that stop the transmission of the virus among children, particularly under the age of five.

Despite significant progress, with only 36 cases in Afghanistan and Pakistan in 2024, Carol stressed that continued effort is necessary to eliminate the wild poliovirus.

A new oral polio vaccine introduced in 2021 has significantly reduced vaccine-derived polio cases, demonstrating the power of innovation and global partnerships, including the Gates Foundation’s contributions.

Carol highlighted a remarkable success in brokering a ceasefire in Gaza to immunize 560,000 children, showcasing the extraordinary global collaboration required to continue these efforts, even in conflict zones.

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