Season 242 Episode 8259
S1 E75 - Embracing Our Shared Humanity Through ""Stranger's Guide"" - Abby Rapoport
"Abby Rapoport Discusses How Her Publication Fosters A Deeper Understanding Of Diverse Communities, Making The Global Feel Personal
AI Episode Summary
1. Devin introduces Abby Rapoport, the co-founder and publisher of the Stranger's Guide, highlighting her role in creating impactful journalism.
2. Abby explains the origin of the Stranger's Guide, which was inspired by the divisive political climate of 2016 and the desire to explore sustainable models for journalism.
3. The publication focuses on storytelling from the perspective of locals, covering a broad range of topics from human rights to food, emphasizing the importance of understanding different cultures.
4. Abby shares how the Stranger's Guide has published issues themed around various locations worldwide, aiming to provide a multifaceted portrait of each place.
5. The conversation shifts towards challenging the notions of ""good"" and ""bad"" countries, highlighting the complexity of global affairs and the value of understanding individual perspectives within countries.
6. They discuss the rise of authoritarianism globally and the role of journalism in questioning leaders and presenting complex narratives.
7. Devin appreciates the Stranger’s Guide for offering deep insights into different cultures for a fraction of the cost of traveling, underscoring the importance of understanding human commonalities and differences.
8. Abby emphasizes the publication's focus on creating beautiful, memorable issues that encourage people to explore and understand places they might not physically visit.
9. The interview explores Abby's superpower of tackling challenging topics and fostering ecosystems that contribute to community and global understanding.
10. Finally, Abby provides details on how to access and support The Stranger's Guide, encouraging subscriptions and highlighting the publication as a unique gift option.
http://superpowers4good.com "