Season 242 Episode 8300
S1 E49 - Nonprofit Leader Offers Tips for Employing People with Disabilities
"Dom Kelly of the New Disabled South Not Only Advocates for but Also Employs Disabled People AI Episode Summary 1. Dom Kelly is the founder, CEO, and president of New Disabled South, a nonprofit with an affiliated 501(c)(4), that focuses on advocacy and support for disabled individuals in the South. 2. New Disabled South is unique in focusing on disability issues from a regional perspective in the South, addressing common challenges that disabled individuals face in the area. 3. Some of the challenges specific to the South include barriers to voting access, non-expanded Medicaid, long waiting times for home care waivers, higher poverty rates, inaccessible transportation, and housing crises. 4. Dom mentions that leaders lacking empathy can negatively impact both their leadership and their organization. 5. New Disabled South's employment practices are designed to create an inclusive and supportive environment and include benefits like a four-day workweek and fully paid unlimited time off, among others. 6. The organization’s workplace policies prioritize empathy and support for employees' overall well-being and life experiences. 7. Dom believes that his superpower is empathy, which has been shaped by personal experiences, such as the loss of his brother when they were children. 8. He shares a story where displaying empathy during a difficult time at his job led to him doubling down on his commitment to help refugees, which reaffirmed his values and eventually brought him on the path to his current work. 9. Dom advises that developing empathy starts with genuinely listening to others without interjecting, allowing for perspectives and experiences to be shared openly. 10. Dom can be reached and supported through New Disabled South’s website (, with direct donation links available, and he is also on LinkedIn and social media under the handle @the_tattooedjew. "