S15E13 - Successful Woman Leadership Advice

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Season 445 Episode 14735

S15E13 - Successful Woman Leadership Advice

My guest today is Linda Fisk. Linda is a multi-award-winning CEO, TEDx speaker, 5x international best-selling author, U.S. Senator for the WBAF, TV and Podcast host, keynote speaker, and university professor dedicated to amplifying and extending the success of other high-caliber business leaders. She is the Chairwoman of LeadHERship Global, a community of unstoppable women enhancing their leadership blueprint and embracing their power to be the best version of themselves- in work and life. In LeadHERship Global, Linda supports and guides ambitious, creative women to move in the direction of their purpose, their mission and their dreams with powerful connections, critical support, practical tools and valuable resources to show up, speak up and step up in their careers and personal lives. Linda earned a Ph.D. and M.A. in Clinical Psychology and has written extensively on the subjects of social comparison, depression and anxiety, subjective well-being and personality theory, with a focus on relating scientific research to commonly understood concepts. Currently, Linda is interested in the psychology of influence, persuasion and negotiation. When you tune in to this episode, you’ll learn the power of leadership together, facing obstacles and embracing your power to be the absolute best version of yourself. Linda is truly remarkable. You simply must tune in! Want my free gift to be dynamic on camera….go to: https://tvstarhost.com/secrets To learn more about Linda Fisk's programs, visit her website at: www.leadhershipglobal.com Get her book at: https://amzn.to/3VztXte

