S2 E48 - The Power of Connection: How hūmNET is Redefining Social Networks

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Season 301 Episode 13830

S2 E48 - The Power of Connection: How hūmNET is Redefining Social Networks

Superpowers for Good

Darren Mark's Vision for an Empathy-Driven Digital Experience to Combat Loneliness https://s4g.biz/11feb25 tl;dr: hūmNET, founded by Darren Mark, is an innovative platform designed to foster real, meaningful connections through shared moments of focus and empathy. Darren shared how his past experiences in tech, marketing, and empathy-building shaped hūmNET's unique approach to digital connection. The company is raising capital via regulation crowdfunding on Funding Hope to align with its mission-driven approach. Darren discussed his superpower of fearless initiative, highlighting bold actions that have led to pivotal opportunities. The episode concluded with practical advice on cultivating courage, persistence, and human connection to drive positive change. http://superpowers4good.com #ImpactCrowdfunding #DiverseFounders #SocialEntrepreneurs #CommunityCapital #ImpactInvestors #RIC #InvestmentCrowdfunding #SuperCrowd

