S2 E50 - Gaming for Mental Health: How Arcade Therapeutics is Transforming Anxiety Treatment - Raj Amin

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Season 301 Episode 14027

S2 E50 - Gaming for Mental Health: How Arcade Therapeutics is Transforming Anxiety Treatment - Raj Amin

#mentalhealth #RIC #ImpactCrowdfunding

CEO Raj Amin Explains How Video Games Can Provide Science-Backed Relief for Anxiety Sufferers https://s4g.biz/18feb25 tl;dr: Raj Amin, CEO of Arcade Therapeutics, explains how gaming can be leveraged to treat anxiety. Arcade Therapeutics’ mobile game integrates a psychological technique clinically proven to reduce anxiety. The company’s business model relies on digital therapeutics, enabling insurance reimbursement for mental health treatments. Raj discusses his superpower, creative problem-solving, and how it has shaped his career. He shares actionable tips on fostering creativity, including context-switching and learning from diverse fields. http://superpowers4good.com #ImpactCrowdfunding #DiverseFounders #SocialEntrepreneurs #CommunityCapital #ImpactInvestors #RIC #InvestmentCrowdfunding #SuperCrowd #mentalhealth

