S4E12 The Art Of Healing Design, with guest Naomi Mamiye

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Season 371 Episode 14182

S4E12 The Art Of Healing Design, with guest Naomi Mamiye

<p>In this inspiring episode of The Health Revolution, Adriana Morrison sits down with Naomi Mamiye, an award-winning interior designer specializing in transforming medical spaces into warm, inviting environments that promote healing and comfort. With a deep understanding of how design impacts emotional well-being, Naomi has redefined healthcare interiors—turning sterile, intimidating settings into spaces that feel safe, calming, and uplifting. From hospitals to rehab centers and assisted living facilities, her work helps reduce patient anxiety and fosters a more positive healing experience. Join us as Naomi shares her journey, the psychology behind healing design, and how she helps create spaces that bring comfort to those who need it most. Connect with Naomi Mamiye here: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2RPRk05aVZsbzJoN2RIWExLZl9yS3I2TGJpd3xBQ3Jtc0ttdDRFZWpmb1RwUXcwTF9SZXJxaGJQT2pkcDlKOWRIaXFvb256Ync2eVlSVE02a1l6T3pQb0VEdEhmVHlLSDhmX2lMdE9obG5DN0p1TkVmUFhmN1lSb01RcnJQQkJweDFIT0dhaHlSZWZLeXhfcmt0WQ&amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.naomimamiyedesign.com%2F&amp;v=40Cu_iRHk2U">https://www.naomimamiyedesign.com</a></p>

