S2E33 Unlocking Migraine Relief, w/ guest Dr. Amelia Scott Barrett, MD

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Season 90 Episode 2969

S2E33 Unlocking Migraine Relief, w/ guest Dr. Amelia Scott Barrett, MD

Join us on the next episode of "The Health Revolution" as we welcome Dr. Amelia Scott Barrett, a pioneering neurologist reshaping our understanding of headaches and migraines. Trained at Stanford and with a thriving private practice in Denver in 2003, Dr. Barrett brings a wealth of knowledge and innovative approaches to neurological health.

In this episode, Dr. Barrett will discuss her groundbreaking TEDx Talk from 2023, which revealed how repeated migraines can physically alter the brain—a process known as chronification. This change not only increases susceptibility to headaches but also reduces the effectiveness of traditional medications, contributing to migraines being the leading cause of disability in women under 50.

Dr. Barrett will also share insights from her Migraine Relief Code program, which utilizes cutting-edge tools like genetic testing and smart health devices to uncover and address the hidden causes of headaches. Her vision is a world where disabling headaches are a relic of the past, and individuals can enjoy the lives they love without interruption.


https://migraineclass.com : which gives people a free masterclass that explains how to find and fix the root causes of headaches

https://theheadachequiz.com : a 20-minute quiz about headaches that reveals how to start improving headaches right away


Cell: 303-919-3181

Social media links: https://www.facebook.com/migrainereli. ..

Insta: @ameliascottbarrettmd

Website: ameliascottbarrettmd.com

