2am Escape: Leaving a Narcissist S2E24

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Season 86 Episode 2872

2am Escape: Leaving a Narcissist S2E24

Faith is a trauma-informed recovery coach who specializes in post-narcissistic stress disorder. She advocates for educating victims, law enforcement, judicial systems, mental-health professionals, emergency responders and society in general about narcissistic abuse and the path to recovery.
After her own harrowing four year relationship with a malignant narcissist, Faith is able to shed light on what narcissistic personality disorder truly is. It's rooted in coercive control and goes far deeper than what people may perceive it to be. She has recently published an extremely honest, intimate memoir about the hell she went through with her abuser, how she spotted the red-flags, and realized that she needed to get out of the toxic relationship for good.
This absorbing personal narrative is blended with information, Faith was finally able to make her escape at 2am with her three-year-old son, and file a restraining order. This absorbing, personal narrative is blended with information, advice, and tools that will give hope to any victim of similar abuse. Faith's sole mission in life is to empower victims of a narcissist to find a way out, heal and thrive.
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