Not Just Another Back Ache S1E29
In 2020, Dr. Pauline Dillard started experiencing back pain and neuropathy in her feet. Initially thinking it may be COVID-related, she worked on healing this pain with a healthy diet and lifestyle. When the pain persisted, she started looking for other explanations & treatment options, and found that the back pain was due to a degenerative condition in her back, and that the neuropathy was related. Despite the challenges of this invisible condition, Dr. Pauline runs a thriving Christian counseling practice, Dunamas® Marriages, in Colorado Springs, CO. In addition to a focus on premarital and marriage counseling intensives, Dr. Pauline is a nationally known specialist and speaker on a variety of topics, including messages for the church, trauma related issues, and how to have the marriage God intended for you.
Dr. Pauline has a background in childbirth education and labor support. She has a Ph.D. in Christian Clinical Psychology from South Florida Bible College and Theological Seminary, and has been helping couples build Christ-centered, heart-connected, Spirit-filled marriages for the past 15 years.
She is the author of the Dunamas® Marriages Building and Tool Guide, which is now available through the Dunamas Marriages web site: www.dunamasmarriages.com.
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