The Path to Healthy Sleep S1E36

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Season 7 Episode 12127

The Path to Healthy Sleep S1E36

Lucinda is a retired Canadian doctor and a longtime mindfulness teacher. More than 6000 patients attended medical programs of mindfulness at her Toronto clinic, Meditation for Health.
After COVID ended all in-person teaching at the clinic, Lucinda redirected her work online, developing special programs to help women get all the deep natural sleep they need after 50.
Lucinda's lifelong interest in sleep was inspired by her own life. Both her mother and grandmother lived with insomnia, and she had to learn her own way to better sleep too.
Lucinda’s work is about effective self-care — helping people find their best path to healthy sleep without sleeping pills. What works best for them?
Science agrees that regular deep sleep is essential for ongoing health. Good medical treatment always encourages patients to optimize their sleep. But, research also shows that sleeping pills aren’t an answer — they’re associated with serious side-effects. Pills can’t give us natural sleep. We need self-care.
Connect with Lucinda:
FREE pdf : Happy Sleep Secrets — 7 Ways Women Can Sleep Best After 50
FREE video: teaches a simple stress-relief method for everyday life
“Best Sleep Now” — a self-care consultation with Lucinda. FREE of charge to audience members.
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