What's the ROOT Cause of Lyme Disease S4E7

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Season 292 Episode 9671

What's the ROOT Cause of Lyme Disease S4E7

For more than 15 years, Fiona Thorson experienced a wide range of symptoms that went largely unexplained. Test results were negative, doctor visits proved fruitless, and there weren’t many clear answers about what was wrong. She tried numerous allopathic & holistic therapies, as well as mind-body techniques.

While those provided some temporary relief, her health was still failing. In 2014, 10 years after the symptoms began, she was at her worst. Finally, though, she got a diagnosis of Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, & fibromyalgia. That’s when she began diving into research on Lyme disease and discovered a whole new realm of information on three main root causes of these and other illness, plus some very alternative ways to deal with them.
She now teaches others, from a patient perspective, how to recover from those root causes and avoid having relapses using the method she has refined for herself. She believes that once these obstacles are overcome, the mind-body connection can more easily be restored.

Free download from Fiona: Lyme or Nano? Go to www.fionaforhealth.com/nano

Free Blog post about how Fiona discovered nanoparticle poisoning, and how it could be the main culprit (or one of them) in your health problems: https://fionaforhealth.com/why-cant-y...

#lymedisease #lyme #chronicfatiguesyndrome #chronicfatigue #fibromyalgia #heavymetalpoisoning #heavymetaltoxicity

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