Season 292 Episode 9683
COMPLETE Healing: YES! It is Possible S4E5
Has ""mission impossible"" now become ""mission possible""? Explore the last of the 2 out of 5 breakthrough discoveries for becoming fully healthy and resolving the root cause of chronic illness and dis-ease. It seems simple, but addressing the root cause actually is. Learn what is controlling the health of every cell in the body and the DNA in every cell. Learn how to turn on cellular regeneration and repair. This and so much more discussed in today's episode.
Michal had a long and painful journey with chronic illnesses. Doctors described her as a “mystery” and were unable to identify what was going on with her for years. Like so many, she had to fight for proper testing and even then she still felt that something was missing.
Eventually, she found out that she had autoimmune and genetic disorders and began her journey of “managing” her symptoms through diet, lifestyle, and other holistic methods. In order to feel even remotely normal, she could eat very few foods, take many supplements every day, and avoid all of her triggers.
What did this look like for her? It meant living with a water purifier, air purifier, all non-toxic products, and holding her breath when exposed to scents or perfumes. She required weekly chiropractic and massage appointments. She had tons of products, modalities, and methods for symptom management.
It took years before Michal realized that this obviously meant she was still UNHEALTHY!
Healthy people don’t have to do all this to manage symptoms. Through her own journey of going from bedridden (with autoimmune, genetic, and environmental illnesses) to fully healthy (with no need for restrictive diets, supplements or ongoing therapies!), Michal developed a passion for teaching others to do the same.
With over 14 years of personal experience, Michal leads a team of Functional Medicine and holistic practitioners that believe in finding and addressing the root cause of the problem, rather than providing band-aid approaches and protocols. Using a breakthrough approach centered around nervous system regulation, Chronic Illness Solution specializes in helping those with autoimmune, genetic, pain and ""mystery"" disorders.
They have helped clients that have already been to Mayo Clinic, Cleavland clinic, Stanford's top medical research team, and others and were still symptomatic to become fully healthy within an average of 3-5 months.
Michal is now an international speaker and trains other practitioners in various healing modalities.
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/ chronicillnesssolution
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